Building your online reputation

Recognize Brand Ambassadors

VentureBeat shared a great way to find the best brand ambassadors: Contact customers via e-mail, web form, comment card or social media and ask them a simple question:

“On a scale of 1 – 10, how likely are you to review our business?”

It may be a simple question, but it can give you all the information you need within a 10seconds survey. Customers giving 9 or 10 are your brand ambassadors so work with them.

Ante-Up Your E-mail Outreach

If you have a list of e-mail addresses, you can do many thingsL

  • At first, separate your mailing list by the e-mail domain. Use unique call-outs to send your message to Gmail users, targeted at Google+.
  • Send them a follow-up e-mail after providing a service asking for their feedback.
  • Provide a link with your e-mail signature in your review profiles or feedback page.
  • Attach a review to the end of regular e-newsletters or provide a ‘review of the month’ to let your community know about it.

Make Questions on Your Website

Apart from creating a ‘feedback’ page, highlight the review logos across your website. Put the logos on pages especially where you are discussing deals, testimonials, or discounts.

Some major platforms such as Yelp and TripAdvisor have embeddable widgets to inspire reviews from customers.

Make Use of Remarketing Campaigns

Use AdWords to target the users who have already completed a transaction and let them know how much you loved their valuable review.

  1. Drop the remarketing cookie on that page which marks the end of your conversation funnel. There are different ways to do this. Let me give you a few ideas:
  • Drop it on your “Thank You” page after finishing an online transaction.
  • Set it in an online copy of their invoice.
  • Make a splash page, offer special price or exclusive deal for previous customers, and share it in a follow-up e-mail.
  • Add the cookie to your online feedback forms
  1. As mentioned earlier, set a remarketing campaign to encourage people to visit your ‘Review Us’ page.
  2. Excess of anything is annoying. So, terminate the remarketing campaign as soon as they land in the spot.

Acknowledge Reviewers Publicly

You must show gratitude to the positive reviews once customers give them for your product or service. It will encourage other customer.

Try to thank everyone on social media platforms that have visited your website and provided feedback.

Respond With Video

Responding to customers with a video is so rare it often works well. For example, when the manager of Domino’s Pizza (Toronto) responded to a negative tweet with a video, customers were surprised and it spread rapidly.

These types of responses put a face to an issue and personalize it reminding people there are people behind a company.

Voltier Digital, SEO Company Toronto, would love to work with you on building your reputation. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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